
Sacred Sunday

In this class we will gain a clear understanding on how to experience true joy and what prevent us from doing so. Through teaching and meditation we will understand how jealousy and comparing oneself to others is the thief of our joy and how we can awaken the heart of immeasurable joy within ourselves and our world. To experience true joy we must come to recognize and experience our fundamental worth. To do so we learn to bring awareness to the voice of criticism that is harsh in judgment toward ourselves and others. In doing so we open our hearts up to healing from our own regrets, self criticism and comparing and rating and discover immeasurable joy. Sacred Sunday’s: Mindfulness Meditation Join us every Sunday at 8am for healing, transformational and inspiring Buddhist teachings. Make this a mindful and compassionate year, intentionally transformimg your life in this time to awaken to your true nature. Classes are led by Buddhist Teacher Lama Michael Gregory, who teaches how to be in this world but not of it, bringing the practices of non duality into vivid life examples of daily life experiences, relationships and the challenges we face.