Free Yourself from Anxiety in 6 Weeks and Awaken Your True Potential: All You Need Free Hypnotherapy and Meditation Below 

The number one concern for Americans in 2019 was anxiety. 1 in 5 Americans are now taking prescription drugs for anxiety and depression. If this is something you or a loved one are experiencing there is no need to live under the cloud of this destructive emotion. 

On the other side of anxiety, is your limitless creative potential and through the consistent use of the following four simple exercises, you can completely heal anxiety and awake your life to higher possibilities.

I recommend practicing the 4 following exercises for 6 weeks:

Step 1:Learn and write down the simple cognitive behavioral- mindfulness based anxiety formula to shift irrational cognitive thinking into healthy thinking - see below video by Michael Gregory

Step 2:Use the 10 minutes guided hypnosis for six weeks every night to break anxiety based unconscious thinking cycles.

Step 3:Use the longer guided hypnosis to heal the deeper unconscious dimensions of anxiety. 

Step 4:Use the guided meditation to train the mind to be present, let go of anxious thoughts when they arise and to cultivate a relationship of loving kindness with yourself and others. 

Many others have used this simple and powerful combination and transformed their minds and lives and you can too. 

Please help fulfill our mission to heal anxiety across the world in 2021 and feel free to use these 3 Powerful Resources and Share With Others. 

Step 1:How to End Anxiety Immediately with Michael Gregory


Step 2:Break Anxiety in 10 Minutes Guided Hypnosis with Davita Moodley:


Step 3:Free Yourself of Anxiety and Insomnia 20 Minute Guided Journey with Davita Moodley: 


Question: What are some of the best methods to reduce anger and anxiety?

Michael: Most people try working with destructive emotions in a manner that is unfortunately doomed to fail. Most people look outside of themselves. They try and find relationships, sexual encounters, work, recreational activities, financial situations, material things, have children, have pets, take vacations, medications, and even find a spirituality that they believe would be conducive to their existing temperament and conceptual notions of happiness. 

Anger for example is always based on an egocentric and irrational demand that reality should be different than it is - that’s obviously never going to work - as you can’t control reality. Anxiety is always based on imagining and fabricating a terrible future that you believe you couldn’t stand. Obviously anxiety is a complete waste of an otherwise perfectly healthy, highly imaginative and creative mind.

There is a much easier solution. First accept that you cannot effectively control external circumstances, but you can change the way that you relate to whatever circumstances present themselves. Even in situations of deep unease, it is entirely possible and within your capacity to remain at ease - just a  bit of elegant mind training is required (explained below). There is no situation that requires you to be disturbed.

Trying to form circumstances in accordance with or around your current temperament is to live a life of misery, instead, try developing a temperament that is kind and compassionate regardless of circumstance. 

Start by quietly going through your day, checking in at least every 30 minutes visualizing yourself and another while reciting these verses internally or externally if possible:

“May I be happy, May I be well,

May I be safe, peaceful and at ease.”

“May you be happy, May you be well,

May you be safe, peaceful and at ease.”

“May we be happy, May we be well,

May we be safe, peaceful and at ease.”


This is an excellent easy first step in being disciplined and putting a healthy emotional life back together or strengthening the one you currently have.

After developing a mind imbued with more consistent loving-kindness and compassion regardless of circumstances, then you are ready for the next step which is to simply recognize the difference between the nature of mind versus the thinking conceptualizing mind. Thinking can’t get you out of thinking, instead, try this:

There can be no lasting happiness in the world of thinking, but notice there is an awareness that is aware that there is thinking. That awareness is always present, even in the midst of the worst of turmoil and seemingly tumultuous circumstances. That unchanging mind, the mind that is aware of changing sensations, emotions, and thinking - that is your true nature, it is always present, unfabricated and peaceful. 

Identifying with and maintaining consistent recognition of this natural state is the best way to rid yourself of destructive emotions and the disempowering belief that happiness is out of reach, in another time or place.

There is so much more, but this will get you on your way. Regard this instruction as a mere gateway to something infinitely sublime and breathtakingly beautiful.

In Loving Kindness 



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