
21 Day Gratitude Challenge


As part of your daily mindfulness practice, please begin to keep a daily gratitude log, to practice the 'gratitude attitude.' We  invite you to add to the log each day for the next 21 days. If you miss a day just start again.

The Three Keys to Gratitude Practice:

The key is to write about three new gratitudes each day. No repetitions! Make sure these are meaningful gratitudes that align with a sense of path and purpose and reflect your higher values.

The second key to this practice is to close your eyes, imagine, feel, sense and experience what you are grateful for. Make it a felt experience.

The third key is to do this first thing in the morning before you get out of bed. This is setting your mind up to be receptive to the influence of gratitude in your life.

By practicing gratitude every day you will reshape your entire life experience, to be a joyful and meaningful life.

The Science of Gratitude

Research has shown that practicing gratitude allows our brains to release serotonin and dopamine—two “feel good” chemicals that positively impact mood, willpower, and motivation. But what’s not as well known is regularly engaging in a gratitude practice strengthens these neural pathways. Over time, practicing gratitude will “train” your brain to focus on what’s going well versus what isn’t. And that leads to all sorts of positive outcomes both mental and physically.

Other studies have found that regularly practicing gratitude contributes to: