
Watch This Video on How To Beat Depression Every Time

Let me teach you how to become your own therapist.
Always question when you feel depressed - is there a real NEED that's not being met? No - your NEEDS are met. So, are you helpless? Helpless to get what met, if not a NEED?
The Irrational Belief of Depression
D = H1 (+) H2 (+) N
Depression = Hopeless (+) Helpless (+) a perceived inability to get a NEED met.
Do this everyday at least twice (depending on the severity) for 6 weeks please. Let me know what happens...
Try what's on this video and keep track of your depression score everyday 0-10, go for 20 minutes of anaerobic exercise outside in greenery, resist eating refined sugar and keep a gratitude journal (3 unique felt gratitudes everyday) and practice (specifically) 20 minutes a day of mindfulness meditation...just watch what happens.
Since many of you have either tried or are currently taking anti-depressants (or thinking of taking) try doing exactly as I've suggested first...and I'm offering this free of charge. Give it a chance and watch what happens before you accept a diagnosis.
If you're currently taking medications do not stop taking without speaking to your doctor. You can come off, but gradually and supervised as the withdrawal symptoms from these medications ought not to be underestimated.